
Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results

GOT SOMETHING!!! · 11:50pm May 9th, 2021

Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! GUYS!

Just finished doing my taxes and got on to play some video games when something entered my mind...

Why a story of that Fallout G.I.Joe knock off?

You know... this:

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Idea Guys · 1:26am Sep 20th, 2015

I don't know about you all, but I hate "idea guys"*. They come in two flavors:

1. Here's an idea, it'd be great if you did all the work for me but I get a tiny amount of credit so I can claim that I did it all.
2. I have these great ideas. I'm not going to do a damn thing with them, but I'm going to constantly tell everyone how great x-idea is and how i'd do it if I had the money/time/effort/insert excuse here.

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Just a Thought #2 · 2:12pm March 6th

Appeasing hateful people or otherwise letting them get away with their hateful actions only gives them fuel to keep being hateful.

History proves this right (ex: Adolf Hitler and what had caused WW2).

Deal with hateful people fairly and decisively. Don't wait.

This has been a thought.


Real question about Pokémon · 10:59am Sep 2nd, 2019

Why doesn't the pokedex show you what egg group a pokemon belongs to?

In universe, the pokedex is supposed to be the difinitive taxonomy resource, isn't it? And yet it tells you almost nothing of ingame value about the pokemon you catch. Like, who cares how tall a pokemon are? Most of those figures are completely ridiculous anyway.

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Putin is a massive, cocksucking dickhead who deserves to die a slow, painfull death in a ditch somewhere, impotent and alone in his own feces whilst wild crows feasts on his soft parts · 9:48am Feb 23rd, 2022

That's basically it.


Poems: My first blog post · 9:40am Oct 29th, 2016

Hey there! :twilightsmile:
This is actually my first blog post, so I don't really know how things work.

However, does anybody really know if poems are even allowed on here?
I wouldn't think so, I don't see any options for them and I never see them.
I do think a poem section would be cool however, as I've written a couple I would love to share about Celestia and Luna.

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Just a Thought #1 · 1:02am January 18th

A writer hating MLP is not a good reason or excuse to give the stories they post here downvotes/dislikes in mass without any intent to make a comment or even try to read said stories.

Generally speaking, it is perfectly okay if someone hates MLP. It is also perfectly okay if someone hates MLP and writes stories for it anyway. They are not hurting anyone.

They are not hurting you.

This has been a thought.


Title Goes Here · 4:26am Jan 15th, 2021

Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results